Me and My System

Copyright: our editors introduce themselves

My name is Matteo and I'm twenty-three, yes: 23. There aren't so many young people with this strange hobby, are they?


I consider myself a "native digital" and my approach to the music is different from a "traditional" audio enthusiast, since the heart of my system is always a PC. This is for me the best source, mostly as far as the flexibility and the convenience are concerned. Besides, I prefer the hyper-detail given by solid-state devices and chips.


As you can notice from the composition of my system, I'm a headphone lover, a choice that also is due to the impossibility of having a room specifically treated for the loudspeakers and, consequently, an optimal outcome. With the headphones you don't have this kind of problems and, furthermore, I can have several typologies without having the entire house occupied.

I like very much the new technologies and the possibility of experiment them directly. I own headphones and IEM of almost all the typologies: traditional dynamic, magneto-planar, with balanced armature and hybrid.


I participate to several forums with the nickname turo91 and I'm the moderator in one of these. I've also have a personal space where I issue the tests of headphones, DACs and amps: the Stereo-Head website


Besides the headphones my other passions are bike and bicycle.


Here below my many set-ups, always in evolution:


Room system

Digital source: HTPC

DAC: Exasound E20 with 12V Teddy Pardo power supply

Headphone amplifier: Woo Audio Wa6Se, Questyle CMA800R and Gold Note HP-7

Headphones: Hifiman He 500, Sennheiser HD800 and Sennheiser HD650

Amplifier: Eam Labs To3.8

Loudspeakers: Kef LS50


Desk system

Source: IFI iDac with iUSB power supply

Headphone amplifier: Schiit Asgard

Headphones: modded Denon Ah D2000 and Creative Aruvana Live


Portable system

Source: Sansa Clip + with rockbox

Headphones: Akg K518, Heir Audio A4.i, T peos H200, Hifiman Re600, other IEM of different level and technology.

by Matteo
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