Me and My system

Copyright: our editors introduce themselves

I was born in 1965. I used to be a non-commissioned officer in the Italian army aviation as helicopter mechanic. Currently I run the Enoteca La Torre in Spilimbergo, in the northeast of Italy, near Pordenone. Here, with pleasure, I organize events and concerts of jazz, blues and other musical genres. My great passions are photography, painting and consumed music. The shared passion for Hi-Fi and good wine with the Executive Editor Roberto Rocchi has made me approach ReMusic. Therefore, I will put at disposal of the webzine my expertise of photographer, hoping to offer to the readers always more interesting images.


In my audiophile life, I have owned many apparatus: Cambridge, Marantz, Myryad, Pathos, Audio Analogue, Sonus Faber Concerto Home loudspeakers, Klipsch RF3, Totem Forrest, Staff and Wind. Thanks to my friend Giorgio Da Pieve – Da Pieve Hi-Fi – I have tested many amplifications and loudspeakers like Exposure, Chord, Octave, Sintesys Audio, Marantz, T+A, Audio Research, Harbeth.


In my current system, I have Exposure digital source, STAT Audio integrated amplifier and Audiosophia TFC 25O-5V loudspeakers.

by Antonio
Sarcinelli Postiglione
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