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News and Events | Press Releases of 2013
News and Events

In addition the Audionet Music Manager for iOS (Audionet iMM) is also the high-end application to manage all UPnP-server and -renderer and allows to control all computer network based music playback systems.

News and Events

The Sopranino supertweeter and the brand new Mythology M1 Series bookshelf loudspeaker will be at the next RMAF.

News and Events

An essential component in every audio system; speakers/headphones, analogue/digital, its hallmark is that it just enhances the long‐term listening pleasure.

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The benefit of thicker insulation is that when two electrical conductors carry an electrical current, the magnetic field produced by the current in one conductor affects the resistance of the other conductor.

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The PS NPC combines a full featured analog RIAA phono preamplifier together with a high resolution Analog To Digital Converter (ADC). The unit is capable of simultaneously producing both a balanced analog audio output as well as a digital PCM or DSD output in multiple formats.

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The 2110 Preamplifier and 2150 Mono Amplifier are the first releases in the next generation of 2000 level products from Boulder.

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Concrete Audio markets a loudspeaker system which will delight enthusiasts for sound and purists alike. The German loudspeaker manufacturer has developed an audiophile loudspeaker of Luxury Class: made from concrete.

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The retail price would be 500 euro, as there is quite a bit of work and gold going on it, so pure for the luxurious minded audiophile.

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The cable uses special design configuration to achieve the best sounding audio cable.

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Black Rhodium Prelude cable was first released in 2006 and received excellent reviews in all the UK main hi-fi magazines including a ‘Highly Commended’ award in Hi-Fi News and ‘Best Buy’ in Hi-Fi Choice.

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How to buid an uncompromised record player with the best materials you can find and with clever combination of old and new knowledge.

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The widebander in this model is restricted to cover 200Hz to 12.000Hz and sports notch filters at 4 to 8kHz.

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The official release of the Trident II marks a rare addition to the Gryphon portfolio, an event that is always met with an enthusiastic reception by aficionados of the High End in Munich.

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All models share the same AirForce™ acoustic platform, are fully active and governed by high resolution Digital Sound Processors.

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M2Tech, the italian company devoted to high quality digital audio based on music files, is glad and proud to introduce a new, revolutionary DAC.

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Audiophile cable for capturing the bi-amp. audio market.

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One cable to rule them all...

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The system’s philosophical underpinning is an Albert Einstein quote, widely referred to as Einstein’s Razor: “The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.”

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The 3060 is the second release in Boulder’s unlimited 3000 Series and is the world’s most powerful and accurate home stereo amplifier.

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The new Series 7 cables incorporate a number of innovations, including a new composite insulation materials called Composilex. 2, and HD-Grip™ self-locking HDMI connectors.

News and Events

A new DAC with Preamp and Headphone amp funtionalities with the footprint similar to an iPad.


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