Rod Stewart | Every Picture Tells A Story

Hidden Masterpieces

Artist unique and for certain aspects controversial and misleading, Rod Stewart has often given an easy and exhaustive reading of himself, but only on the surface. That has brought him a wide international success and the possibility of placing himself among the greatest pop music stars. His look, his hairstyle, his performances on the stage and his vivacious sentimental life, fitted perfectly with this creation. In brief, a flippant personality, devoted to the show and, essentially, light-minded. He has always been like that and something else too. If you want to get a more accurate picture about him, I suggest listening to an old album, Every Picture Tells A Story, possibly in the remastered version by Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab (the original Mercury plays very bad). Maybe the sound is not up to date, but it’s a great record, where the Scottish singer, with Ron Wood, Mick Waller, Martin Quittenton, Pete Sears, Jan McLagan, Danny Thompson.., is not only the great interpreter we all know, but also a skilled producer and an excellent composer.

Among the first-rate eight tracks (plus an amazing version of Amazing Grace not included in the titles), the best is Mandolin Wind, the only song he composed entirely. Still, the other authors are Bob Dylan (Tomorrow Is A Long Time), Arthur Crudup (That's All Right), Tim Hardin (Reason To Believe), Ron Wood (Every Picture Tells A Story)…

But what kind of music did Rod Stewart play in those days? We could say top class pop, with a mixture of rock and folk representing a relevant musical calibre and a pulling power for sales and success.


Rod Stewart
Every Picture Tells A Story
Mercury / Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
Total Time 40:52

by Antonello
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