Elementalea comes from Elementali, Paracelsus' s way to call the "nature spiritual beings" and it is within this shapeless and fleeting orbit that Mariani's musical sphere revolves. |
27.02.2013 |
Beautiful record of piano solo, composed and performed by an excellent pianist, through an excellent audio recording. |
17.01.2013 |
Of Simone's discography, widely available both in shelf and on the web, we would not exclude any title, but in this occasion we want to mention one in particular. |
10.12.2012 |
Speaking of a masterpiece about someone that has written songs like Senza fine, Il cielo in una stanza, Sassi, La gatta, Sapore di sale, Che cosa c’è, would be in this case out of place… |
27.11.2012 |
I personally think that the critics should have the job of divulgate quality. This action, if carried out correctly, represents something more than mere information. |
16.04.2012 |
Most probably, Terra is one of the best jazz records ever issued in Italy, at least in the last ten years... |
13.04.2012 |
A record where jazz, African and Caribbean music are blended together in a succession of rhythmic and melodic inventions, in an original blues, always very fascinating and refined. |
08.04.2012 |
“Let me tell you that I have never met before a so beautiful voice, fitted with everything a jazz voice must have and, therefore, a so talented jazz singer …”
03.04.2012 |
The Legendary 1956 Session was included in a series of studio recordings, arranged by the producer Norman Granz, with the purpose of gathering up the great names of jazz that seldom or never had played together. |
21.03.2012 |
Total music: the documented encounter between the Hadouk Trio of Didier Malherbe, Steve Shehan and Loy Ehrlich, and the amazing Mauritanian singer Malouma Mint Meidah. |
01.03.2012 |
Till very late in life, Burnside used to work as a peasant, but at the beginning of the 90’s he literally shattered and desecrated the ultra traditional structure of the blues. |
16.02.2012 |
Ginger Baker, Bill Frisell and Charlie Haden: the three of them, helped by an excellent sound reprise, show off with an amazing outcome. |
27.01.2012 |
It’s hard to understand what pushed the Japanese percussionist to choose the musicians, but most probably they were the best guys on the market. Go is unanimously considered one of the greatest rock masterpieces. |
08.01.2012 |
Born from the electric turning point of Wayne Shorter and Miles Davis, who have merged some influences and rock veins into the traditional jazz, fusion has been like a comet in the musical universe. |
20.12.2011 |
Even if it’s only a selection, the overall work with its complete repertory and interpretative suavity, reaches the uppermost historical and artistic value and has to be considered fundamental and unique in its genre. |
13.11.2011 |
Back to the years of psychedelia, of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Freedom by Richie Havens, Joe Cocker singing With a Little Help From My Friends and of what could result somehow lysergic or annoying. And from there something new. But what and how do you know that? |
14.09.2011 |
An awesome album of blues, properly produced by Roy Rogers and supported, when released in 1989, by a videoclip aired on the major international TV music channels. |
27.07.2011 |
When released, Young was quite unknown and the images out-of-focus, therefore unrecognizable, that appeared on the booklet, didn’t show him either. |
18.07.2011 |
Artist unique and for certain aspects controversial and misleading, Rod Stewart has often given an easy and exhaustive reading of himself. |
08.07.2011 |
One of the best albums of the year in the Italian jazz panorama and not only. |
04.07.2011 |
A guitar that you can hear only in the big universal book of masterpieces. |
30.06.2011 |
Roger Waters’ first important issue after having left the Pink Floyd, when the name of the group still had a wide appeal. |
22.06.2011 |
Only on rare occasions, Chet Baker and Bill Evans recorded together... |
13.06.2011 |
Among all the albums of the band, L'Anima du Munnu (The Soul of the World) represents the highest moment of Taberna's self-expression, creativity and technical ability. |
03.06.2011 |
After this live performance, Take Five became one the most listened tracks in jazz history. |
01.06.2011 |